The Shifting Concept of Ethnicity

Jul 9, 2024

We live in a unique time where the homogeneity within groups is on the decline. Historically, the world has been split by region, nationality, and ethnicity. You expect to find ethnically Chinese people in China, Indians in India, Africans in Africa, etc. Even more ambiguously, we have a current concept of what it means to be white, black, or Asian. Even in the middle East where the concept of ethnicity doesn’t really exist anymore, we can still identify them by being “Middle Eastern.”

This is quickly changing in the western world, where people are starting to become a hodgepodge of multiple ethnicities and races. Many families, particularly first-generation immigrant ones, still want and expect their children to marry people of their race. Whether it be for cultural, historical, or even somewhat racist reasons, their children will slowly (or even quickly) care less about preserving race. As we move down the generations, the concept of race will slowly dissolve as people become a mix of well…everything.

This will essentially be the first time in history where race and ethnicity are not clearly defined. In places like the United States, the concept of Asian or black culture will cease to exist as the clear-cut groups with culturally-unifying qualities slowly merge together. My theory is that we’ll all sort of form a unifying “American” culture that doesn’t really have a particular identity today. It really puts all the stupid racial barriers we talk about today into context, where the differences that exist between groups are temporary and socially arranged. In the end, I hope we’ll see that we’re all just human, where we can no longer blame our circumstances on socially-constructed barriers.

word count: 279