Bicker Bicker

Jan 20, 2023

The truth is the light in the darkness. When you are uncertain, the truth is the absolute defense. It gives us solid ground to stand on. We all strive for truth. It allows us to understand the reality we live in. We learn to find the truth. We think, we observe, and we grow– all with the purpose of getting closer to the absolute truth. And lastly, we argue for it. In a sea of billions, there are endless disagreements to be settled. And without arguing, there is no way to determine what is real and what is not.

Arguing must be a good thing, right? It helps us clear the fog. But, the word “argument” generally has a negative connotation. They are often disrespectful, frowned upon, and childish. But why is it so? It’s because humans have emotions. Our judgment is clouded by our feelings, ego, and mindset. We are fragile. We dislike being wrong, and we dislike being told we’re wrong even more. That is why many arguments often lead to an explosion in both parties, neither side leaving the debate with their minds changed. Arguments become a clash of emotions rather than facts. Sometimes, we argue even knowing that we are wrong. But we bicker nonetheless. It’s part of the human condition.

There is nothing to be gained in being right when you cannot convince others. Winning an argument via the destruction of the opposition fosters hatred rather than understanding. If the goal was to convert him into your way of thinking, you have failed. Arguments must consider the emotion of the opposition. Winning them over emotionally is just as critical as “winning” the argument. If you defeated them emotionally, they will not be convinced of your validity– they will just search for more reasons that they are correct. Debating is a skill. Sometimes, it is worth “arguing”. Maybe, you aren’t looking to convert others to your way of thinking. But, the strategy you choose must suit your purpose. Converting others to your way of thinking is a different skill set.

In the end, the search for the truth involves the conversion to your way of thinking. Your goal is to win over the masses in order to update reality. The next time you find yourself getting into a heated argument, make sure you act in accordance with your goals. If you desire to establish the truth, then make sure your words align with your intent.

word count: 409